Saturday 15 November 2008

Logan's Birthday.


This is the last time I come down here for a long time, mark my words.
I won’t be distressing her precious fucking sofa for more then another night.
I sincerely hope that she realises that this will be one of the last times I see her this year. Maybe even the last. I’m sick of running around trying to keep everyone happy over mother fucking Christmas. First and foremost I fucking hate it and if I spend it in bed then so the fuck what and furthermore I’m not the bad guy in this I didn’t move 200 miles away for a bloke, no I was the one that went no where and still had to try and retain normality and stability. Resentful of me just because I wouldn’t drop my entire life just to have a slice of her dream, which is all bullshit anyway? She’s got no job, no money and hardly anything to do but yet she’s apparently happy. And I’m the bad one for staying in that London, with my school my friends and my life. Yeah I hardly think so.

I’m just so fucking sick of it and I want to go home, where I can sleep in a bed and WALK to a shop if I run out of milk at 1 in the morning. I miss my friends and school and people I miss them most of all. This shit hole isn’t for me in anyway shape or form, I’m from the city and I don’t think that’s ever going to change.
There’s no place for me here and I’m glad they can fucking dream on if they think I’m moving to this shit hole, yeah right mate. I’d rather be sick on my pretty shoes. Repeatedly.

Whatev’s init, I’m doing one tomorrow and it can’t come soon enough.

When I left i had to bite my tounge to stop myself from crying.