Friday, 20 June 2008

Scoring Skin (Were Just too old for brownie points)

Lumps in a throat real and actual although fleeting, it doesn’t stop the tears from brimming behind tired eyes, make up stains and Glances at the ceiling.
Change is stalking, at every corner and lurking behind the lamppost, the Ripper incarnate skulking in the London fog, sinister clicks; boot heels on the pavement coupled with the resonance of warm breath colliding with the deathly chill of the London streets. Feet hurrying to match hearts beats, trying and failing.
The wind delivers its final rights, flashes of sliver and the taste of metal.
One exact blow meticulously executed, a job half done?
Another coupling this one slightly more distressing the bitter cold of a Knife in your back and the warmth of the blood that trickles from the wound like a brook of pain anguish and hate, all righted with a resounding indifference.

This city is engrained on every move I make. Its in my blood and under my nails.
I’m completely head over heels in love with this big dirty place. Its can take you up so high and leave you down so low it’s amazing and scary. The tourist and the natives, the young and the old.
Being here means I can be myself I can, live here accustomed to all things that make me, me. Taking the girl out of the city is like telling the pope to convert to Islam. It would rip my heart out. I’m too fast for the sleepy eyes towns of south Wales, they keep the lights on all night here. I sleep all day and party all night I don’t sit in parts in kappa tracksuits and drink cider, I drop acid and drink absinth and wake up in the gutter ready to do it all again Baglan park isn’t my future its not even worthy of being my past. This isn’t a pipe dream this is my life. So fuck her, fuck her and her sheep farm and her husband and her perfect little rural life with jazz festivals and off-roading. Id rather live in the real world fuck it. No one who matters lives in Baglan.
My mates, who the fuck am I without them. Tear it up parties and Mini orgies with people who are quite willing to go shopping the next day.

Please dont turn my lights off