Wednesday, 3 October 2007

It could be worse, I could be taking you there with me.

I might just be getting used to it but im really not sure if a full nights sleep is worth feeling like shit constantly its like im tipsy but not. but that might just be down to not wearing my glasses.
Ive got a really bad pain in my ribs and im being horrific to everyone and i fucking cant stand it.
In was in such a good mood yesterday but now its like im just not. that makes sense and dosent a the same time. sigh
Im giving it time to adjust to me or should that be the other way? Hmm
Im not sure what to do because these AD's arent even for my depression and im feeling worse after two bloody days. Foggy and disorentated are the perfect words to discribe how i feeland not forgetting anti-social.
More cloudy and -4 then sunny and 65 up here right now.

Music is the blood that runs through my veins, cut me open and watch the melodies flow.